Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Songs for the Journey

Some months ago I added a music player to the blog. A friend told me about it and some how I managed to overcome technical deficiencies and was to add the player. It took several attempts to get the version I wanted. At first, I think I was just intrigued with it as a gadget. As I began to look for songs to include in the play list, my thoughts starting changing about why I wanted to include the music player and music. That eventually led to a change in the title for the music player. I think it went from "Music Player" to "Songs for the Journey." I wanted to add the dimension of music and singing to what I was trying to say in words. I came across the words of a poem that my college choir director often quoted. It was one of his favorites and it reflected his love for music - especially choral music. It explains, in a way, why I wanted to add the music.

For the common things of every day, God gave us speech in the common way; For the higher things we think and feel, God gave the poets words to reveal; But for heights no tongue or pen can reach, God gave us music—the soul's own speech.

I know that words alone can not express all that I want to say. So along the way of this "Amen Journey" I will include, in addition to the play list selections, other thoughts in song that may help reach a little deeper into our souls. I have tried to do that in the selection of songs; although this is a work in progress.

I have been writing about the matter of my salvation. There are a number of songs that express my "soul's own speech" when it comes to salvation and the greatness of that gift. I have chosen "A Sinner Saved By Grace" by the Gaither Vocal Band. This song is a type of benediction to the series of posts about why I came to Jesus Christ in faith. From my stand point and those who have experienced God's gift of salvation, it really comes down to that one word - GRACE. In this song the writer affirms an awesome truth. "I am a sinner saved by grace. Loved and forgiven; back with the living; all because He (Jesus) took my place." That was true of me in the summer of 1946. It is still true - all because of that place - the cross of Calvary.

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